Sunday, February 14, 2016


Today after church as I was waiting for Sam, I was standing at the front doors looking out and noticed a house across the street.
It appeared they had been "heart attacked" by someone,
You know, someone had anonymously decorated their door with hearts to make them feel loved:)
My thoughts instantly turned to my little babe growing big and strong inside of me and I thought of a tradition I wanted to begin!
Sam finally found his way to the door and as we were walking to the car I pointed out the door across the street.
I told Sam that every Valentines Eve we should heart attack our children's doors while they are sleeping so they can wake up feeling so loved:)
Even when they are teenagers and think they are too cool for dad and mom,
There doors will be heart attacked:)
I've also had another thought running through my head ever since 
We found out about our little babe.
Sam and I are experiencing our "lasts" as just a family of two.
All of the holidays ahead will be spent as a family of three and that just puts a smile on my face!:)
Sam and I have felt like a little someone has been missing from our lives for so long that we can hardly wait for August to get here and meet our little babe!
Today I am 14 weeks on the 14th,
Six months from today we will be meeting our little babe (HOPEFULLY!)
Baby Cannon is the size of a lemon and I'm anxiously awaiting feeling those first kicks!
Sam and I are so excited to find out the gender in the next couple of weeks and are defiantly feeling boy vibes...which probably means were having a girl, haha!
We love our sweet little love bug!:)
I love you so much.
I can't imagine a single day without you and I'm so grateful to have you as
My friend, husband, and eternal companion:)
I'm usually one to be on the go all the time but this pregnancy has slowed me way down
Because I'm tired ALL the time!
I had heard about people being tired during pregnancy and just didn't understand,
NOW I understand, haha! You can always find me on the couch snoozing!
Sam has been so great doing everything around our apartment and everything for me,
He is a real sweetheart and I am so appreciative for everything he does for me!:)
I am so lucky to have such a patient, loving, and kind husband like Sam,
Forever has only begun:)
Happy Love Day Lovers!:)
Sam and I are sharing a heart baker pizza...
And by share I mean we ate the entire thing in one sitting!
It was delicious and being in the shape of a heart only made it more delicious!;)
I hope you are spending this day with those you love most!:)

- Chelsie C.

Saturday, February 13, 2016


We are so excited to finally have this secret out,
Sam and I have talked about starting a family since day one of our  marriage,
Having little babies running around our home has always been a dream of ours!
For our honeymoon we drove to Las Vegas and during the drive the highlight of our conversation was talking about our future family!:)
Traditions we wanted to carry over from each of our families and new traditions we wanted to establish right away.
We can hardly believe that we have been given the wonderful blessing to be parents and are excited to start this new adventure together as a family of three:)

We found out we were expecting the night of December 14, 2015:)
And finding out I was pregnant didn't go the way I had planned AT ALL!!
Does it ever?? Haha!
I was sitting at work and had just been feeling off the past couple of days.
I was honestly sitting at work thinking, "It's a Monday" and tried not to dwell on how I was feeling.
The longer I sat at work the more the thought came into my head, "TAKE A PREGNANCY TEST!"
When Sam picked me up from work I told him I needed to make a quick stop at Family Dollar and buy a pregnancy test.
He laughed and drove me to Family Dollar and even came inside to buy the tests with me:)
When we got home I immediately ran to the bathroom,
We were supposed to be painting with our neighbors in about 15 minutes and I hoped I would be able to find out before I spent the rest of the night smelling paint fumes!
When took the test though...
The two pink lines appeared IMMEDIATELY and I busted out of the bathroom screaming and jumping with joy to show Sam!:)
A little backstory: I've always wanted to be the first to find out Sam and I were expecting and then surprise Sam in some creative way!:)
I've seriously had this planned in my head since day one but here I came running out of the bathroom waving the test!
I could hardly believe it, THERE WAS A BABY GROWING INSIDE OF ME!!
Sam's face was priceless and we were so excited, it's a moment I'll remember forever:)
The only thing we could think to do in that moment was fall on our knees and pray,
We thanked our Heavenly Father for this blessing in our lives and were so grateful:)
This little babe came exactly when our Heavenly Father and Savior saw fit,
And we couldn't feel more loved.
We told each of our family members around Christmas time
And it was so fun to see their reactions!:)
I think the most nerve racking thing I did was call the doctors office for my first appointment,
I WAS SHAKING SO BAD, I was just so excited and wanted to be seen that day, haha!
Our first appointment went great, it was so great so see our little peanut waving hello!!
Sam was smiling from ear to ear, he held on to these pictures the entire appointment:)
We were able to see our baby's head, body, a little eye, and literally their hand waving hello!!
At our second appointment we heard the little heartbeat and our Doctor just kept saying,
"Oh that's so adorable, your baby has an adorable heartbeat!"
We are so grateful that our little babe is continuing to grow big and strong and look forward to every appointment we have:)
We honestly can't believe we are going to be parents and we are so excited for this new adventure!!
We love you little peanut and can't wait to meet you soon!:)
Keep growing big and strong!!

- Chelsie C.

Sunday, February 7, 2016



We are so excited and can't wait to meet our little love bug:)

- Chelsie C.

Thanks For Stopping By:)