Sunday, July 20, 2014

Happy Birthday Abby Kate

14 Years Ago,
Sam's little sister Abby Kate passed away.
I've of course never met Abby,
But have heard so much about this sweet angel and the spirit little Abby brings to the Cannon home:)

When Sam and I were engaged I decided that I wanted my bridesmaids to be my sisters and sisters to be!
I was so excited about this because that meant I would have seven bridesmaids of all my favorite beautiful Ladies that meant so much to me!:)
When I decided this though I could not get Abby off my mind.
I knew that I really had eight bridesmaids,
And that Abby would be wearing coral and tiffany blue on December 27th along with us:)

The day Sam and I were getting married,
I told Sam that I had a surprise I needed him to help me with before we went to our brunch!
I had a bouquet for Abby that I wanted to drop off before the day started:)
So Sam and I had the opportunity to go to the cemetery the morning before the day got started to take Abby her bouquet:)
It honestly was one of the most special moments in my life.
Family is everything to Sam and I,
And we sure love everyone we are blessed with in this life that we get to keep forever:)
So to my sister,
My Bridesmaid,
And a little lady I cant wait to meet someday,
Happy Happy Birthday:)

- Chelsie C.

Friday, July 11, 2014

The End Is Near

In two weeks,
Husband and I will be done with school!!
{insert happy dance here}
{And here}
{Oh and one more time here because I am really happy}

Since the moment Sam stepped off the plane I feel like life hasn't slowed down,
And who knows if it will after school ends!
One can wish though;)

We are watching a movie tonight,
On a bed we made on our floor,
It's the ultimate sleepover if you ask me;)

For dinner,
We ate popcorn and velveeta mac and cheese...
Don't worry,
I tried two new recipes this week,
It's ok to eat like little children every once in awhile:)

Tomorrow my sister is coming to stay with us for three days,
To say I'm excited is an understatement:)

This blog post was going somewhere,
But I think I mostly started this post to tell everyone I made cookies,
And they were kinda really good:)
I substituted our chocolate chip cookies with white chocolate chips,
Probably going to do that every time from now on:)

One more thing,
We went to the farmers market today.
We bought cherries,
But can't eat them until tomorrow,
{we are going on a hike, yay!!}
They are burning a hole in our fridge...
I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight,
In fear that I'll wake to see Sam eating them all;)
Rexburg Farmers Market is the bomb,
Better check it out if you have the chance:)

Everybody is doing this thing lately called,
Flash Back Friday.
I've never done it before,
But thought it would be appropriate on the blog:)
Here is my Flash Back Friday Photo...:)
I tried this editing app on the photo,
Kinda cool huh?!:)
This picture is from Sam's Welcome Home Din Din:)
One of the best days of my life!!!

Happy Weekend Lovers:)

Stay Classy;)

Chelsie C.

Thanks For Stopping By:)