Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Story of Bill and Leo

I got to work,
Cracked open my cherry coke,
And realized,
I've never officially documented me and Sam's story.
I'm excited to blog about this today:)
Our story is an adventure,
It's a love story,
It has had it's happiest moments,
And those that you are grateful that have passed.
{talking about sam being gone on his mission for 2 years}
But most of all,
This is our story:)
And I love it with all my heart:)

Since our love story started back in 2009,
I'm breaking it up into parts.
It will be easier to understand,
And keep you lovers coming back for more;)

So today,
Part one.
The first day of the rest of our lives:)
Sort of.
Read on:)

I met Sam on a cold February night,
At the annual Valentines Stake Dance.
My Mom was in the Stake Young Womens,
So of course I was expected to come lead the
Cha-Cha Slide!!
I secretly love these stake dances,
But for some reason I didn't want to go
This particular day.
I'm so glad I did:)

I had just finished one of the famous line dances,
And noticed my friend Bridger standing over by the punch bowl.
{best place to be cause you know a slow dance is coming!}
My friend Holly and I walked over to say hello,
Because let's face it,
Bridger is one of the coolest people to ever walk this earth!
{ok, i may be biased. he introduced me to my husband people!}
When we got over to him,
He had a mystery friend with him,
And he was cute:)

"Hi, Bridger!"
"Hey, this is my friend Sam!"
This people was the first time I met THEE Sam Cannon!!
I said "Hi, Sam!! It's great to meet you!:)"
I was literally as cheerful as could be,
And then Sam responds back,
No emotion.
Barely made eye contact.
And I was left thinking,
Did I forget to shower this morning?!

I had never received such a greeting in my life.
And by greeting I mean,
That "Hey" that pretty much told me to get back to my line dancing!
Sam begs to differ though,
He says I was the one that didn't express any emotion.
And that he was as cheerful as could be!:)
But hey,
I'm telling the story here!
And I beg to differ,
So we will go with what I have to say;)
I quickly wrapped up the conversation with Bridger,
Told him I would see him tomorrow in class,
And slipped in another,
"It was nice to meet you Sam!"
Pretty sure I got a wave goodbye,
And that was that!
Holly and I quickly went back to our festivities.
I walked away thinking,
But also walked away thinking,
He clearly didn't like me one bit.
I would never see him again anyways,
So get back to your Cha-Cha slide Chelsie!!
For those of you who don't know what the
Cha-Cha Slide is.

- Chelsie C.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you just left us hanging like that. I was totally getting into this story. :) I'll be back for more. We all hope Sam had the best birthday ever yesterday!


Thanks For Stopping By:)